DAR Invalidates Land Awards to Ati Community in Boracay

The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) has voided the land certificates awarded by former President Rodrigo Duterte to members of the Ati community in Boracay.

Agrarian Reform Secretary Conrado Estrella III explained that the certificates, covering 1,300 square meters, were granted to the Ati in June 2019. However, as per the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (Republic Act 6657), which ended on June 30, 2014, the awards have no legal basis.

“Nothing was revoked. First, the CLOA that was awarded has no legal leg to stand (on), no legal basis,” Estrella said.

Estrella clarified that the lands cannot fall under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) unless a notice of coverage was issued post the June 30, 2014 deadline.

The Asosasyon sang Boracay Ati Tribal Organization has accused DAR of revoking the certificates previously awarded to them.

The Bureau of Soils and Water Management has deemed the property unsuitable for farming, with the 1,300-square meter lot being private land and not eligible for coverage under Executive Order 75, which applies to government-owned lands designated for certain beneficiaries.

“You can only invoke EO 75 if the lands are owned by the government. Those who are priority of EO 75 are graduates of four-year agriculture courses, retired PNP and AFP personnel and rebel returnees,” he said, referring to retirees from the uniformed services.

Estrella emphasized that EO 75 eligibility criteria include graduates of agriculture courses, retired police and military personnel, and former rebels, highlighting that the certificates were issued in 2018, while EO 75 was implemented in 2019.

In response, President Marcos directed DAR to identify alternative sites for relocating the Ati community.

Estrella mentioned discussions with Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro on a potential former military reservation for the community’s transfer.

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