Department of Tourism aims for balanced leveraging of technology and human capital in tourism

Department of Tourism (DOT) Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco highlighted the important role that human touch and technological advancements play in the tourism industry during her keynote address at the 7th Tourism Human Resource Congress.

Emphasizing the theme of “5 IR: Achieving Harmonious Human-Machine Collaboration in Tourism and Hospitality,” Secretary Frasco underscored the significance of striking a balance between leveraging technology for efficiency while upholding the irreplaceable essence of human interaction and hospitality in the sector.

“We recognize that technology does indeed enhance human performance; however, it cannot and should not replace human capital. Technology supports efficiency in operations but does not replace human interaction, interpersonal skills, or hospitality. Routine tasks can of course be mechanized and digitized, but the essence of our industry is and must always remain the human touch,” Secretary Frasco said.

The congress, organized by the Tourism Industry Board Foundation Inc. (TIBFI), served as a platform to showcase significant milestones and future directions for the tourism sector.

Secretary Frasco also commended TIBFI for its steadfast support and instrumental role in the success of DOT programs, particularly in implementing initiatives like the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangements on Tourism Professionals.

Acknowledging the exponential growth of the tourism industry, Secretary Frasco reported remarkable tourism receipts amounting to P3.36 trillion, marking the highest growth rate in 24 years. With tourism’s contribution to the GDP increasing to 8.6% and providing employment for over 6.21 million Filipinos, the sector plays a pivotal role in the nation’s economic landscape.

Sec. Frasco stressed the importance of upholding service excellence while embracing innovation and technology in the tourism industry.

“Let us continue to uphold the highest standards of service excellence in our tourism industry while we embrace innovation and technology. Together, we can ensure that the Philippines remains a destination to love, welcoming travelers from all over the globe with open arms and warm hearts,” Secretary Frasco added.

As foreigners praise the Philippines’ tourism landscape, the call for maintaining the country’s reputation as a warm and welcoming destination remains crucial.

Throughout the congress, industry leaders and delegates discussed key topics such as the NTDP 2023-2028 Report, human capital development, industry trends, and the role of technology in creating delightful customer experiences.

Panel discussions highlighted the significance of skills development, technology’s impact on the customer journey, and the transformation of tourism education through initiatives like the CHED STEP UP program.

As the event unfolded, delegates exchanged insights on prioritizing employment experience amidst the 5th Industrial Revolution, the evolving human resource landscape, and sustainable tourism education programs.

The congress served as a platform for industry stakeholders to collaborate, innovate, and drive excellence in the tourism sector, establishing a harmonious blend of human resources and technological advancements to elevate the overall tourism experience.

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