Enhancements planned for Boracay tourism experience following stakeholder feedback

In a proactive move to address feedback from both domestic and international stakeholders, Tourism Chief Frasco emphasized the urgency of implementing improvements to enhance the tourism experience in Boracay.

The observations, shared by foreign stakeholders, highlighted key areas of concern such as long waiting times, overcrowded ticket counters, inadequate signages, and disorganized boarding procedures for short boat rides between the mainland and Boracay. These insights were gathered during dialogues held in Dubai, UAE, at the Arabian Travel Market (ATM) 2024, and in Seoul, South Korea, on the sidelines of the Seoul International Travel Fair (SITF).

With Boracay welcoming 2.12 million domestic and foreign tourists in 2023, the significance of addressing these issues to maintain the island’s appeal as a premier tourist destination cannot be overstated. Frasco expressed eagerness to collaborate with the provincial government of Aklan and the municipal government of Malay to introduce necessary interventions that will streamline processes, improve infrastructure, and elevate the overall visitor experience on the renowned island.

The collective efforts aim to uphold Boracay’s reputation as a world-class destination that offers unforgettable experiences to travelers from around the globe.

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