How to stay safe when stranded in Boracay due to typhoon

Boracay is a beautiful island in the Philippines that attracts millions of tourists every year. However, like any other place, it is prone to natural disasters such as typhoons. If you find yourself stranded in Boracay due to a typhoon, it is important to stay calm and take the necessary precautions to ensure your safety. Here are some tips on how to stay safe when stranded in Boracay due to typhoon.

Before the Typhoon Hits

  • Stay informed: Keep an eye on the local news and weather updates to stay informed about the typhoon’s progress and any evacuation orders or warnings.
  • Follow the instructions of the authorities: The local authorities will issue instructions on what to do in case of a typhoon. Make sure to follow these instructions carefully and evacuate to a safe location if necessary.
  • Prepare your belongings: Pack a bag with essential items such as food, water, medication, a first aid kit, a flashlight, and a change of clothes. Make sure to also bring your important documents such as your passport and travel insurance.
  • Secure your accommodation: If you’re staying in a hotel or resort, make sure to follow the instructions of the staff and take any necessary precautions to secure your room. This may include closing the windows and doors, moving furniture away from the windows, and unplugging electrical appliances.

During the Typhoon

  • Stay indoors: When a typhoon is approaching or has already hit Boracay, it is important to stay indoors and avoid going outside. Strong winds and heavy rain can cause flying debris and flooding, which can be dangerous.
  • Keep away from windows and doors: During a typhoon, it is important to keep away from windows and doors as they can be shattered by strong winds. You may also want to consider covering the windows and doors with plywood or other materials to protect them from flying debris.
  • Stay informed: It is important to stay informed about the latest weather updates and typhoon warnings by listening to the radio, watching TV, or checking the internet. This will allow you to make informed decisions and take the necessary precautions to ensure your safety.
  • Avoid using electrical appliances: During a typhoon, it is important to avoid using electrical appliances such as computers, televisions, and air conditioners as they can be damaged by power surges. You may also want to consider unplugging your electrical appliances to prevent them from being damaged.

After the Typhoon

  • Check for damage: After the typhoon has passed, it is important to check your hotel or resort for any damage and report it to the management immediately. You may also want to check your belongings for any damage or loss.
  • Avoid going outside until it is safe: Even after the typhoon has passed, it is important to avoid going outside until it is safe. Strong winds and heavy rain can cause flooding and landslides, which can be dangerous.
  • Follow the instructions of the local authorities: The local authorities in Boracay will assess the damage caused by the typhoon and provide instructions on when it is safe to go outside and resume normal activities. Make sure to follow their instructions and avoid going outside until it is safe.
  • Be prepared for power outages and water shortages: After a typhoon, it is common for there to be power outages and water shortages. Make sure to have a supply of food, water, and other essential items on hand in case of an emergency.

Being stranded in Boracay or any other place due to a typhoon can be a scary and stressful experience. However, by following the tips provided in this blog, you can stay safe and minimize the risk of injury or damage. Remember to stay calm, stay informed, and follow the instructions of the local authorities. With proper preparation and precautions, you can weather the storm and enjoy your vacation in Boracay.

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